Bookseller Catalogs

Best of 2019

By Yesterday's Muse, Inc.

Best of 2019 A selection of 101 of this year's best new acquisitions, including: a first edition of Thoreau's Walden; a nice group of 'shoulder strap' memoirs by American Civil War generals; Updike's complete 'Rabbit' series, all first editions in jackets; an 18th century edition of Thomas Paine's Rights of Man; Sigmund Freud's complete psychological writings; a complete 16-volume French translation of De Thou's Histoire Universelle; a first American edition of Dore's Rime of the Ancient Mariner; firsts of White Fang, The Old Man and the Sea, and The Name of the Wind; etc.

How to request a print version: Printable PDF

Catalog 3: 250 Years of Persuasive Mapping

By Boston Rare Maps Inc

Catalog 3: 250 Years of Persuasive Mapping The catalog features dozens of examples highlighting the great range and exuberant variety of persuasive maps. Inside you will find a spectacular "Gerry-Mander" broadside, maps of the human heart, a darkly allegorical Temperance map of the Mississippi, and an archive of unrecorded maps of "The United States of Earth," and many, many more.

How to request a print version: Please contact us regarding copies of the print catalog.


By Jeff Weber Rare Books

234: GET YER GHOST: RARE BOOKS IN MEDICAL HISTORY, ANIMISME ET SPIRITISME, MEDICAL ODDITIES 34 books: SUBJECTS: Fringe Medicine, History of Medicine, Spiritualism & Afterlife; AUTHORS, CONTRIBUTORS: Louis GALAMBOS; GALEN; Catherine GALLAGHER; Sir Francis GALTON; Hamlin GARLAND; Clarke GARRETT; Eileen J. GARRETT; Fielding Hudson GARRISON; Archibald GARROD; Elizabeth GASKING; Reginald Ruggles GATES; Norman GEVITZ; Sander L. GILMAN; Thomas GISBORNE; Bentley GLASS; William GODWIN; Johann Wolfgang von GOETHE; Oliver GOLDSMITH; Regneri de GRAAF; Harvey GRAHAM, [pseud. of Dr. Harvey FLACK]; Lindsay GRANSHAW; Douglas GRANT; Joseph GRASSET; Mark GRAUBARD; Joseph L. GRAVES; Asa GRAY; Andrew GREEN; Celia Elizabeth GREEN; John C. GREENE; Susan GREENHALGH; Mirko D. GRMEK; Michael F. GUYER; H. HARRIS; Thomas LAQUEUR; Charles MCCREERY; Rudolf MAGNUS; Roy PORTER; Jane Eliot SEWELL; William L. STRAUS, Jr.; Owsei TEMKIN.

How to request a print version: contact:

LIST 638

By Buckingham Books

LIST 638 This is our latest Mystery catalog. There are several books offered including: LAURA - Vera Caspary, BRIGHTON ROCK. AN ENTERTAINMENT - Graham Greene, THE GALTON CASE - Ross MacDonald and many more titles for your enjoyment.


By Buckingham Books

WA-145 In this, our final catalog for 2019, we offer several significant items such as "Nimmo's Treasury Report" of the "Big Four" cattle books; a manuscript brand book of Mississippi, recording 24 years of brands & the only known Brand Book for Mississippi; John G. Bourke's "MacKenzie's Last Fight,"...a true Indian Wars rarity; the rarely seen first edition of "Life of Charley Reynolds." In addition, our Photograph Gallery Supplement presents 2 photographs by L.A. Huffman, a rare Pinkerton Reward Poster for Rube Barrows, and a collection of photographs of members of the Dalton Gang after their famous attempt to rob 2 banks in Coffeyville, Kansas.

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